Monday, January 17, 2011

English Book Review On Animal Farm

This book is a one of a kind read. It talks about a bunch of life-like farm animals who can talk, think and do almost as much as a human being can. They are led by a wise Pig named Old Major who instigates the animals to rebel and take over the farm themselves. after he passes on, the next 3 ambitious pigs,  Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer take over the farm. However, the power gets to Napoleon's head and he soon becomes what he once detested. When I first read this book, I loved it as it makes the book come to life with the conversations among the animals, their ''meetings'' , actions and speeches. Soon, after read this book and reading my history textbook, I realized that several characters were similar to some persona in history. Dictators such as Stalin and Adolf Hitler were illustrated in a form of animal characters.Ruthless leadership, propaganda are all present in this book.  This book shows us the mechanism of propaganda and brainwashing in totalitarian regimes such in Hitler's and Stalin's time.It is a good read for the young and old and would appeal to all readers.